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About me

Charles Rodenas Swinden


Having been given the opportunity to start in film I was always excited about the image I have captured in my magic box. There was never a second chance to review exposure composition, or anything else for that matter, you had to wait until you got everything developed and yes, exposed. Then you got to see before your very eyes an image, a picture, a split second of someone or something that you could not possibly see in our fast paced day to day existence, yet now you have managed to stop time, and you could see everything, the mood, color, the joy and the intimacy.

Formal training aside, and the many pieces of gear I have owned, it came down to the same thing, a picture, a story, and maybe something close to a thousand words. Having the fortune and honor of being present to document these things and people is truly amazing, and a great part of who I am.

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