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Santa Baby, all I want is a Camera or two.

T'is the season again, and yes we want a new toy or accessory. For the photog this means new anything will make them happy, lens, camera, or some gizmo we just gota have.

But I'd like to run something by you all, what about used gear ? Just because its not new it doesn't mean it wont fulfill a need, and don't forget you could save some serious coin too. So if you know what that special someone is looking for, and don't want to break the bank, you might want to check some previously loved pieces that are just waiting to be adopted again.

Of course you can buy stuff online, with that comes some risk of course, but then there are stores like Vistek, B&H, or Henry's, most often they will even have warranty programs for that gear. So check it out, and adopt a previously loved Lens Baby, or other lens, maybe a second body and so much more.

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