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Slow down your going to fast, you got to make the morning last

Having been here for just a few months I can now honestly say I'm loving it. We often hear about how town folk, are so friendly, in places where you live or have visited, but this place I now call home so lives up to that claim.

A few weeks back my wife and I were walking home when I noticed a young uniformed woman on the other side of the street walking towards us in the distance. I thought it might have been a security person walking home. In fact it is was a local police officer heading back to the station close by. She approached us with a welcomed hello, and we started chatting in front of our house, it was like we already knew each other.

After various pieces of shared backgrounds and chit chat, a co-worker shows up driving a big SUV which parked beside us and joined in the chat. It was great, its like having a street party of your very own, and no, there was no snoopy questions, like did ya ever inhale and such, it was fun idle chit chat, that ended up with them both saying if we needed anything or could be of any help please call us.

Yes, I'm sure its also customary good PR, but hey, I could have just got the usual head nod and greet type of thing, but instead I got to feel an earnest effort was made to make us feel welcomed in our new place we now call home.

So why the title, well its a song I use to know way back when, and because this town has managed to hold on to some very traditional idea's like greeting hello, and often a smile, what more could you ask for, so slow down every so often. While everything and everyone rushes by, it seems here in this community they still appreciate the basics, a kind of stop to smell the roses if you will, and I hope it will maintain that unique charm for a long time yet.

If you do find yourself down this way take a moment to slow down a bit and enjoy what is all here, I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised, I constantly am.

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